Buffalo Hill offers many tournaments, clinics, and individual lessons for junior golfers of every age and skill level. We love to see juniors succeed on and off the course!
Junior Scholarship Opportunities
Stay tuned for future Junior Scholarship opportunities! If your Junior golfer (under 18 years old) is interested in being considered for 1 of 10 season passes or range passes included in the scholarship, apply today! Remittance info can be located on the bottom of the form.
Junior Buffs Clinic
Our popular summer clinic for juniors (grades 1st-8th). Juniors of all skill levels can benefit from this PGA-led instruction.
Support Jr. Golf In The Flathead!
Buffalo Hill proudly supports and hosts the Alice Ritzman Scramble, which aids local juniors with scholarship opportunities, gear for Flathead Valley high school teams, and much more!
Check out the Ritzman Scramble and find out how you can help support junior golf in the Flathead!