2024 Annual Meeting & Ballots

The 2024 KGA Annual Meeting will be held at the clubhouse on Wednesday April 24, 2024 at 6:00 PM. All members are encouraged to attend! Adult members are able to vote in this year’s election of officers as well as on proposed KGA By-Law Changes. If you are a current KGA Member but you are unable to attend the meeting in person, click here to access absentee ballots. Completed absentee ballots will be accepted until April 23 at 5:00 PM. Please be sure to follow all included instructions to make sure your vote is able to be counted. We hope to see you there!

KGA – BOD & Committees

The Kalispell Golf Association, DBA Buffalo Hill Golf Course, was established in 1918 and has a rich history of improving and maintaining the course for public and member enjoyment. Below is the current Kalispell Golf Association roster as of the Annual Meeting’s Election of Officers on April 19th, 2023.
buffalo hill golf club kalispell mt membership



Dan Hileman


Josh Buls


Chris Mcloy


Derek Benson


House Committee

Derek Benson, Chair
Dan Hileman

Finance & Audit Committee

Chris Mcloy, Chair

Rules & Tournaments Committee

Josh Buls, Chair

Greens Committee

Lee Terry, Chair
Greg Schaffer

Memorial & Hall of Fame Committee

Lee Terry

By-Laws Committee

Josh Buls, Chair
Dan Hileman

Long Range Committee

Greg Schaffer, Chair
Josh Buls
Jeff Lund

Grievance Committee

Executive Committee (4 Members)
Josh Buls
Derek Benson
Lee Terry